HVSys 多通道高壓電源控制系統
    發布時間: 2020-10-20 09:46    

HVSys provides individual channel control and monitoring of the high voltage power supply of each channel, using only 3 wires.
A unique feature is that HV is generated on the base of the photomultiplier, avoiding the inconvenience and problems associated with high voltage distribution.
All that is required is a +12V supply with sufficient current capability for the number of channels chosen; the supply current required is less than 25 mA per channel. The system is controlled by a PC with a PCI card and RS485 interface, operating under Windows® 98/NT/XP. The PC performs independent setting and monitoring protocols for voltage, current, and temperature. HV is supplied by individual power bases, of the PSM series, mounted directly on the base of each photomultiplier.

HVSys 多通道高壓電源控制系統 特點:
  • 省去了眾多昂貴的高壓連接線和接外掛程式
  • 單個PCI卡可以控制254個獨立的管座電源
  • 增加RS485卡可對系統做進一步擴展
  • 可程式設計設定及監視系統各項參數
  • 消除了電子抖動的影響
  • 圖形介面顯示各項參數
  • 易於維護
HVSys 多通道高壓電源控制系統
服務熱線:886-2-2655-2200  業務咨詢:151 / 維修校正:185


