發布時間: 2020-03-20 17:01
ASI Imaging
If you do not require automated XY movement, but do require automated Z-axis positioning for acquiring precise Z-axis stacks, then the PZM-2000 is the solution. On select models of inverted microscopes, ASI can modify or exchange your existing OEM stage with a PZM-2000 unit. We can procure a manual OEM stage for you, if necessary. The PZM-2000 consists of ASI’s proven piezo top plate mounted within your existing OEM stage. This requires a completely new top plate be machined for the OEM stage, however, this allows us to provide an elegant solution.
The optional PZM-C Controller compliments the ASI PZM-2000 piezo-Z manual microscope stage retrofit. The unit is provides an LCD readout of position, an external focusing knob, RS-232 serial control, home & zeroing controls all in a small 6 x 4 inch footprint.
The PZM-2000 has been specifically designed to provide a high resolution, and highly repeatable, means of controlling the Z position of the microscope stage. The XY axes are manually controlled utilizing the original OEM stage controls. The piezo top plate of the stage accepts standard K-size slide inserts that are available for any sample, i.e., slides, Petrie dishes, multi-well plates, etc. The slide insert is moved in the Z-axis via a piezo element with a range of 100 μm and with nanometer accuracy (200 μm and 500 μm ranges are also available). By moving the sample in the Z-plane, any objective can be used, eliminating twisting wires or needed spacers as required when a piezo element is put onto a single objective. The piezo stage can be controlled remotely with a 0-10 volt D.C. analog input voltage, or optionally, with a PZM-2000 Controller or a calibrated manual ten-turn potentiometer. PZM-2000 OEM MANUAL STAGE WITH PIEZO Z-AXIS TOP PLATE特點:
Closed-loop control of Z-axes for precise, and highly repeatable focusing
Nanometer-scale resolution, repeatability, and accuracy
Proven operation with many popular software packages