CMOS USB 3.0 Camera-Lt425
    發布時間: 2020-05-27 09:56    

CMOS USB 3.0 Camera-Lt425

Lt425 CMOS CMOS USB 3.0 Camera 工業相機專為24小時全年無休的強固型監視器影像領域而生,藉由超高解析度的1” CMOS sensor搭配全電子式global shutter可以捕捉絕佳品質、零月暈效應之影像,USB 3.0 Camera Lt425可支援的使用場域包含交通監控、ALPR/ANPR、高速影像檢測以及動作監控,此工業相機亦可兼容於OEM客製化設計及科研相關領域使用。
Lt425 4MP USB3.0 彩色/黑白 1" CMOS相機特點
  • CMOSIS CMV4000 Rev3 CMOS 4.0 megapixel sensor with electronic global shutter
  • Color, mono or NIR sensor with 1” optical format providing a resolution of 2048 x 2048 using 5.5 µm2 pixels
  • High frame rates: 90 fps at full resolution
  • Zero loss 128 MB RAM frame buffer for reliable image delivery in demanding situations
  • 4 GPI/O: 1 optically isolated output, 1 optically isolated input and 2 configurable I/O ports
  • Simplified cabling – video, full camera control and power over a single locking micro USB 3.0 cable
  • Region of Interest (ROI) option to provide higher frame rates
  • Selectable 8 or 12-bit pixel data
  • FCC Class B, CE certified / DirectShow compatible
  • Complete Windows and Linux SDKs available
  • NEAR INFRA-RED (NIR) SENSITIVITY: Lumenera offers NIR sensitivity enhanced versions of the Lt425 camera, that has higher quantum efficiency (QE) for wavelengths above 600 nm. Around 900 nm the QE is about doubled and increases from 8% to 16%.
Lt425 4MP CMOS USB3.0 Camera 彩色/黑白 1"
服務熱線:886-2-2655-2200  業務咨詢:151 / 維修校正:185


